dbp.digital German Language Press in Brazil

The dbp.Digital Project - German Language Press in Brazil, focuses on the discovery, preservation, digitization and cataloging of German-language periodicals in Brazil. Specific themes periods from 1836 to 1938, is favored. The presentation of this collected material for the purpose of optimizing archival research in the Humanities is also relevant. Therefore, cooperation between the areas of Humanities, Informatics and Librarianship is broad.

Available content:

Brusquer Zeitung Der Pionier Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kirchenblatt für Süd-Amerika Kolonie-Zeitung


Sala de Digitalizações e Digital Humanities
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Reitoria - Edifício Dom Pedro II - Térreo
Rua Dr. Faivre, 405
Curitiba - PR

+55 (41) 3360-5446