dbp digital

The dbp digital project – The German-Language Press in Brazil aims at discovering, preserving, digitizing and making available German-language periodicals in Brazil. We give higher priority to documents from the time period of 1836 to 1938, with its specific themes. The availability of this collected material for the purpose of optimizing archival research in the Humanities is relevant. Therefore, cooperation between the areas of Humanities, Computer and Library Science is crucial.

Initially the work focuses on newspapers, but will be developed with manuscripts, letters and other documents related to the newspapers researched. Finally, two products are expected:
1) a database and digital library with interactive presentation and optimized search;
2) an encyclopedic publication on the German-language press in Brazil.

The project is coordinated by professors Dr. Paulo Astor Soethe and Dr. Daniel Weingaertner and sponsored by the Thyssen Foundation for Science Promotion.

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